Friday, October 14, 2016

A new world

I didn't look at when I last posted as far as the date, but it doesn't matter.  I have missed blogging and have started catching up on my favorite blogs as well.

A new world has meaning for several things.  I have had surgery on my knee finally and it feels pretty darn good.  I am almost 4 weeks out and there's only a few things still to be overcome like bending my knee all the way, using it to go up stairs, etc.  That will come though.

I am finally getting back to knitting.  I have two sock pairs to work on, one using Blue Moon yarn won someplace and another pair using Regia.  I have changed to using size 2 needles to ease not only the hand of the socks but its easier and a bit faster to knit them.  I will take pics later.

I am posting today on my new computer.  Trying to get up on Windows 10 and also learning to get faster on this keyboard.  I prefer traditional laptops for the keyboard and portability.  I wanted to stream some of the new tv stuff that's on and couldn't with my 12 year old laptop.  It's time to retire that one.  It's been a great laptop and so I got another Dell.  I have been sorely disappointed with their customer service though.  sheesh.  I hate getting on the phone and that's all I have done in the past week.  It was an operator problem when I ordered it so I guess I paid for it.

I have been shocked to have my brother marry again.  Love his new wife and think it will be great to have a sister again.  I will finish the Civil War quilt now for them.  I have the instructions out to finish the last two sets of main blocks and then have 64 (yes 64) blocks for the border.  That should be accomplished in doing a couple per day for a month or so.  It will be machine quilted by a good friend and then passed on to them to keep them warm this winter.

I have two sweaters to finish before either taking up another UFO or starting yet another one.  I have picked out two patterns for the little grand-nieces and nephew kids for Xmas so will get yarn and start on those too.  They are so much fun to knit for.  My sweaters are the kit from Iceland and a Drops sweater.  You can visit these on Ravelry.

We have a storm heading in here today.  My leaves are turning and I need to get out in the garden soon and dig my red and purple potatoes.  I also have a few Grannie Smith Apples and some Asian Pears.  I have found that letting them go through a first frost is best and I believe it as I did that last year.  Sweetens them all.  yum

I will get my pics taken of all the above and add them here.