I like posting here rather than Facebook so much better. It is beyond me sometimes to post there.
I see that I had just left my past job the last time I posted. I had a long vacation after that and really didn't get much of anything done. Then I worked at another job, this time part time. I loved that job until my very much liked supervisor accepted a promotion in the company. Then the worst happened. New supervisor that wasn't a supervisor. ack After getting in trouble (are we 4 years old here?) for being allergic to her perfume (which she wasn't supposed to be wearing anyway). My throat started closing, I was almost done with my work for the day, so got done and ran for it. I did punch out and did everything that I was used to doing. More stuff happened after that to not just me but others and I decided that I was still a grown up and not a 4 year old, so gathered my stuff and walked. As it turned out, another person in another department walked out that very same day. That was a common occurrence there. We had also found out that she was the OPS manager's best friend. What??!!?? We had no options. Enough said.
I have been home again, trying to be retired this time to grow my business and begin my jewelry adventure.
I am trying to figure out how to get photos from my iphone to my email. When I do, or don't. I will take new pics from my Fuji and take care of that problem. J
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