Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Peaches and surprise

The surprise is mine when I read the last post.  ha!  I did get the lawns mowed plus the dog run (large) that day.  I am still all about moving railroad ties and moving the black soil.

Aren't they gorgeous??  What I do with them is peel them, remove the pits, then I go back and slice them up (like each half into 4 or 5 pieces).  Then I mixed up some acid, today I used a bit of citric acid in a quart of water.  I used a quarter cup of acid, but it might not have needed that much.  It's very concentrated so maybe a couple of heaping tablespoons in a quart of water would have been enough.  I have used lemon juice in the past and it really doesn't take that much just to prevent discoloration.

I then load the peaches into zip lock bags, say enough for a pie, so half the bag is full.  Then freeze them.  I also put about a peach worth into sandwich size bags to try on cereal.  I will let you know how that works out.

Doing peaches this way lets them taste just as fresh as the day they were picked.  I just don't pack stuff in sugar anymore.  I may use Splenda Half and Half, but don't do that until I have the peaches into the pie crusts.  I add a half cup of either the Splenda or sugar, dot some butter (2 tablespoons or so) and some flour sprinkled on (1/4 cup) to thicken the "gravy" sauce so it won't drip out of the crusts when it bakes.  I use Pillsbury or Kroger (acutally better than Pillsbury but they could be made at the same factory for all I know, cheaper is sometimes better).  I bake them for 10 minutes at 425 degrees and then turn the heat down to 350 for an hour.  Perfect.

Still spinning and knitting and sewing but will wait until tomorrow maybe so I can add pics.

Sunny skies all week.  yay

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